Month: October 2023

These shoes have a story to tell

LI: To use the 5 senses and personification to help us paint a picture with words.

Once we had completed this part of the challenge we joined together with another group to share our writing and make sure what we had written made sense. 

I found this activity fun because afterward we checked our work and we tried to find punctuation to add as points.


What happened down the stairs?

LI: To understand the 5 senses can be used to strengthen a description

Once we had completed this part of the challenge we joined together with another group to share our writing and make sure what we had written made sense and had met the language feature challenge.

I found this activity exiting because we could put exprition into our text and try to make the reader feel like he is the person in the story or text.




Make a DLO on a Respected Person – Care Awards

This DLO is showing people on a role-modle to look up to in life eather look at their qoutes or how they grew up and maybe on the type of lifstyle they had or have now. People need to look up to people so they can be a better person, so in this insdence I chose the Rock (Dwayne Douglas Johnson) because he is a good role modle and he is a insperatinal person to look up to.

Māori Enterprise

This week for inquiry we learnt about the Māori enterprise and how people had done trading’s in the 19 century. People had done trading’s in the 19 century by settling in areas with good access to resources. Some of the rescores going fishing, growing crops and collected resources. By doing this people would have access to trade things with something with equal or better value.

I found this activity interesting as I was able to learn about what the Māori enterprise was and how they did trading’s.