Year: 2022

Summer Learning Journy – Mincraft Coding

Today when I was checking out the summer learning blog somthing caught my eye and it was the mincraft activity. Basicly with the mincraft activity you have to do coding what I did for fun was spwan in 1000 chickens in a desert biom.

What Mincraft is

Mincraft is a game that is aged for everyone to play. You have to survive and build a base to survive in you can code but if you don’t know how to code you press the letter C and press the top option and follow the tutorial scince I already knew how to code I thought I should spawn in 1000 chickens

Summer Learning Journy – Grand Designs

Today I was looking at the summer learning journy blog to see what I should do as a task. What really intrested me was the grand designs the aim of thre task was to make a house for the summer when it starts.

I did the kick start task because you had to make a house for the summer on google draw the reson why I chose kick start was because it was the most simple for me to collaberat with.

Summer Learning Journy – Trick Shot challange

Today we chose to do the summer learning journy the task me and my partner Ene chose to do was the trick shot challange the aim of the game was to record a trick and share it on you blog for people to see. There are two different active steps you can do which are kick start which you can do to start and learn about what you are doing and step it up which is more of a challange that you can do to challange yourself to push yourself to a bigger task but it’s the same task from the kick start. So the task that we did was step it up which is to showcase four trick shots.

Art Coulor – Diwali

This is may art from the SLJ that you might ask this stands for the summer learning journy. The summer learning journy is a range of activitys witch people do and showcase on their blog for people to look at and they have an opption to comment on your blog post and they might teach you somthing that you missed out on or it’s just a positive comment connecting you two to have an extended discgustion by replying.

Back on to the work what I did was took a image showcasing dawali and couloring it in.

Evolution of Transportation

LI: To identify how technology has changed when we consider how it was fit for purpose. 

Today we were looking at the change of technology. Over the past 100 years, technology has changed in order to make things easier. This is called fit for purpose. Transportation devices have become more convenient compared to their initial design.

The 1922 trains purpose was to transport passengers and large objects from point A to point B. It was used to get from place to place faster but you would have to replace the coal every once in a while as the heat powers the train. The purpose of the trains these days  are to travel from one continent from another. The modern trains can also carry more people and they can also travel faster from one place to another. 

I found this task very historic because we compared somthing that was made 100 years ago compared the new and improved version.

Attempt New Things & Ask for Help

LI: Students will learn that it’s okay to try new things and to ask for help when needed.

For PB4L, we are reminding ourselves why it is important to attempt to do new things and to ask for help. This session encourages students and people so that they can continue doing what they find interest in or so they can improve their academic performance.

It is important to attempt new things because you can learn somthing new and helpful.

It is important to ask for help because you could get all the help you need for school and mayby you could learn from other people just by asking.

Match Girls Strike of 1888

LI: To identify the significance of the Match Girls Strike of 1888.

Today we had a session with David, our PB4L leader. He was teaching us about the match girls strike of 1888. This Strike of 1888 explains the hardships that the match girls went through, this eventually led to a protest trying to raise awareness for women who don’t get appreciate their hard work by not getting paid.

I found this task interesting because it was interesting that if people diden’t have that politition we woulden’t have equal rights today.